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Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Bawang Merah karya Sudarmanto

Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Banyak manfaat yang bisa diambil dari tanaman ini. Selain sebagai sayur dan bumbu dapur, bawang merah juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati beberapa macam penyakit seperti mag, masuk angin, menghilangkan lendir di tenggorokan, mengobati luka, menurunkan kadar gula darah, dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol tubuh.

Sayangnya, selama ini pasokan bawang merah dari dalam negeri belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, sehingga masih perlu mengimpor. Padahal, bawang merah sangat mudah dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Selain itu, keuntungan yang didapat dari budidaya tanaman ini juga cukup tinggi. Buku ini akan membantu Anda membudidayakan tanaman bawang merah. Bahasa yang digunakan sangat komunikatif dan gambar gambar yang ada dalam buku ini akan membuat anda mudah memahami dan mengaplikasikannya.

Pengarang : Sudarmanto,ST,MSi
Email :
blog :
Harga buku : Rp. 24.600,- (Survey Maret 2010)
Penerbit : PT. Delta Media
Jl. Sriwija I/44 Nusukan Surakarta
Telp/Faks: 0271-736871
Email :
Pemasaran : PT Reka
Jl. Sadar No. 6 Ciganjur, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12630
Telp. (021) 37138181, Faks. (021) 78881656

Bagi masyarakat calon petani maupun petani bawang merah, serta instansi pertanian terkait dapat memesannya di toko buku ataupun alamat pemasaran di atas.


Samarinda, 30 Maret 2010
Hormat saya,



Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Example CV English to study Master


Curriculum Vitae

Name : XXXXX
Date if Birth: DDMMYYYY
Sex : X
Address : XXXXX

Working experience

From March 2007 to present
Company: Polo Ralph Lauren Sourcing Int’l Ltd in HK
Job Title: Senior Director of merchandising

Job Description:
- Supervises 2 Director, 2 Senior Manager, 3 Manager with balance team in total at 75 staffs
- My section is new for this company since March 2007
- Team is formed and accumulated from 12 to 75 staffs
- Provide executive leadership and strategic vision to increase the effectiveness and scale of the direct-sourcing operation
- Full P&L responsibility for handled accounts
- Partner with the company’s executive management to establish operational requirements to meet annual financial targets
- Accountable for the development and execution of the functional strategies necessary to meet the financial targets, including factory-allocation strategies and vendor management.
- Operate $160 180 million business in annual

Background and strategies planning for Polo Group

Polo’s design excellence works in concert with its disciplined business approach. We are working flexibility integrated business model that encompasses retail, wholesale and licensing.

International expansion presents a wealth of opportunity Ralph Lauren. Our approach to each world region is specific to its business climate and structure our common goal is to broaden our reach through increasing direct brand ownership and continue new specialty retail store openings. Our strong, flexible infrastructure allows us to grasp opportunity and grow our business around the world.

We are running more than $1200 million whole sales business and with full expansion office in Italy, Japan and Hong Kong.

From July 2003 to March 2007
Company: Jones International Ltd in HK
Job Title: Director of merchandising

Job Description:
- Supervises 2 Senior Divisional Manager, 2 Souring Manager and 8 manager with balance Team in total at 65 staffs in final
- In similar job responsibility as above especially office is just new set up from total 60 staffs and increased to 500 staffs for 4 years

From Oct 1995 to March 2003
Company: Liz International Ltd in HK
Job Title: Divisional Merchandising Manager

Job Description:
- Supervises 2 manager with balance team in total at 30 staffs
- Main responsibility is more in merchandising role from development stage to material sourcing Management
- Cycle-time control
- Factory evaluation
- Office Administration



Open University of Hong Kong

• Bachelor of General Studies – April 2004
University of Hawaii

• Diploma in Management – Aug to Dec, 1991
Scarborough Christian School

• Grade 10 to 12 (Form 4-7)

Reason for applying online MBA course
Finish my study is my wish list for past 7 years. In view of my job responsibility, it is necessary to have frequently travel twice a month at least to visit factory or explore new business opportunity to our industry. This is reason why I am unable to complete either Open University or UIIE for past years record.

With job settled down now at Polo, I would like to bring this up again to explore my management knowledge from latest market, equip myself ready for future challenge plus the last to show an example to my son for better study spirit in family.